The worst legislative session in Florida history is over, but the fight for Florida’s future is just beginning.
The Festival for Florida’s Future is not a rally, but a daylong celebration of what it means to be a working Floridian. This day of activism, education, food and music will serve as a kick-off for a larger, sustained campaign to organize Floridians from all backgrounds and walks of life to take action in meaningful, effective ways that will help build a better Florida.
At the Festival, Progress Florida will be working alongside our progressive allies, including hosting a workshop on social media and internet organizing. Will we see you at the Festival on June 4th?
Register for the Festival For Florida’s Future today.
With only 29% of Floridians approving of Gov. Scott’s job performance (57% disapprove), now is the time to continue to build this growing movement of working Floridians fighting to move our state in a progressive direction.1
For progress,
Mark, Ray, and the rest of the Progress Florida team
P.S.: Be sure to visit the Festival’s web site for details on the event including directions, what to bring, activities for children, etc.
1"Rick Scott: The most unpopular politician in Florida?" The Washington Post. 5/25/11.

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