What side are you on?
As a Thanksgiving deadline nears for action by the powerful congressional committee on deficit reduction, Bernie sounded an alarm over reports that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid may be cut. "The American people have been very clear. They understand how important Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are to the well-being of tens of millions of our people and they do not want to see these programs cut," Bernie said on Wednesday.
"This is a pivotal moment in American history. The rich and large corporations are doing phenomenally well while the middle class is declining and poverty is increasing. Now is the time to answer the question that the Woody Guthrie song poignantly asked, 'Which side are you on?' The Democrats on the Super Committee must resist Republican attempts to balance the budget on the backs of the must vulnerable people in our country. They must stand on the side of working families and the middle class. They must say NO to cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and demand that the wealthy and large corporations start paying their fair share of taxes."
Watch Bernie urge the super committee to protect Social Security »
Ron Paul is our endorsement for the 2012 election. There are many issues that we don’t agree upon, yet his honesty and his steadfastness hold to his beliefs over the last thirty years is absolutely something this Nation needs and we need it in a hurry. Please pass this video, or our link, on to your friends. Ron does not have the support of the Corporate Monolith, the one that has taken over the country, he needs our help.
Listen to Art Bell’s Coast to Coast HAARP BROADCAST
This is an (CLICK HERE FOR THE SHOW) encore presentation of a show that aired in 2005. It’s revealing because it discusses the secret facility in Alaska that manipulates the ionosphere with possible devastating results. Listen to scientists working on it then and their reluctance to speak about the possible consequences of their experiments. The military has taken over the HAARP facility and once that happens there is no doubt about any intended applications.
EOC Eye On Citrus Radio: Pre 9-11-2001 Tenth Anniversary Show
(661) 449-9342
The Tenth Anniversary of the most despicable act every perpetrated on a people by elements of its own government in the history of mankind is just around the corner. The evidence is apparent, it's been shown and revealed over and over, yet the public doesn't rise to arms in anger, angry at a real foe, a foe that aims to eliminate the freedom of the American people while it robs them blind, of their monies and their young, a foe that has no concern for its' people nor the sacrifices they have made in the past and continue to do so, to make this Nation FREE. Yet, so many fail to realize that they have been duped, lied to and misled. Now is the time to shout from shore to shore, from mountaintop to mountaintop, we know the truth, we know the truth, and you will not get away with it! Our Nation will once again rise to rid ourselves of the tyrants that will enslave us through subterfuge, we will rise once again to make this Nation a shining beacon to the world of what true freedom is about, what a Democracy of the people and for the people and by the people really is and that when the people are wronged by its government, the people have every right to throw the government shackles off and march into the light of freedom, untethered and unfettered as a FREE PEOPLE ONCE AGAIN.
Made in America
The National Museum of American History opened a gift shop this week that sells only American-made merchandise. The change came "thanks to a determined senator," Diane Sawyer said on ABC World News. It all started when Bernie went shopping for gifts for his grandchildren and saw that small busts of U.S. presidents were made in China. "A museum owned by the American people, designed to express our history and our greatness, should sell products made by American workers," he said.
Watch the ABC News report »
Watch Bernie's press conference »
Listen to Ed Schultz's interview »
Read more in USA Today
Fighting for a Fair Budget
A member of the Senate Budget Committee, Bernie is leading the fight against a Republican plan to decimate Medicare and Medicaid. Incredibly, the House-passed budget also would give $1 trillion in tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and profitable corporations. He staked out his position on the budget in a Huffington Post column.
Read Wolf Blitzer's CNN interview »
Tenth Anniversary Bush Tax Cuts!-Dear Editor
Ten years seems like a lifetime ago in politics. After an election fraught with controversy, George W. Bush was several months into his presidency. As far as the budget was concerned, we were doing alright. Things could have been better -- but we were on the right path to invest a surplus in our future, to rebuild our infrastructure, and to pay off our debt.
But then exactly 10 years ago today -- on June 7, 2001 --President Bush signed massive tax cuts into law, cuts that continue to starve our government of revenue while overwhelmingly rewarding those who least need it: millionaires and billionaires. On this unfortunate anniversary, Americans are coming together and asking Congress to choose a new path.
Call toll free today and tell your representatives to stop cutting vital services and to start making millionaires and polluting corporations pay their fair share! Click here for the phone number and a sample script.
After President Bush signed the Orwellian-named Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, the gap between the wealthy and the rest in America widened to breadths not seen since our country was teetering toward the Great Depression.1To make things worse, the Bush administration put two wars on the credit card and gave even larger handouts to polluting industries like Big Oil.
Now, Republicans are saying that we can’t afford to fund critical environmental and social programs, and are playing games of brinksmanship with the debt ceiling -- threatening to push the country into a deeper economic hole.
But we're not fooled. Despite railing about a budget crisis, senators recently blocked a vote to end handouts to the five biggest oil companies, putting polluter profits ahead of the public welfare.
Call your member of Congress and tell him or her that it’s time to end handouts to Big Oil and other polluters and to make millionaires and multinational corporations pay their fair share. Click here for the phone number and a sample script.
It’s been debunked: lower tax rates for the wealthy do not result in economic growth or so-called "trickle down" benefits. From 2001 to 2007, income levels for the wealthiest 400 taxpayers more than doubled while median incomes in America actually fell 4 percent. In other words, as corporate CEOs built larger ocean-front mansions, more and more families struggled to put enough food on the table.
There is a better way. According to Think Progress, a week’s worth of the Bush tax cuts could fund the program that feeds poor women and children for an entire year.2 If everyone pays a fair share of taxes, imagine all the ways we could make our country stronger.
We have seen what tax loopholes, corporate handouts and less regulation do to the economy -- and to our environment. Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to defend government funding for vital programs -- and to make millionaires and polluting industries pay their fair share.
Your action will help us make this national call-in day a success. Thanks for all that you do.
Becca Connors
Friends of the Earth
1. Emily Kaiser, "How American Income Inequality Hit Levels Not Seen Since The Depression
." Reuters.
2. Pat Garofalo, "House GOP Cuts To Nutrition Assistance Equal To One Week
." Think Progress.
Production Trike in Publix Parking Lot Homosassa
A unique 3 wheel motorcycle, well, really it’s not a motorcycle, it’s more of a customized car? O.K., Actually I am not sure what you would call it, it definitely is a Trike, meaning it has three wheels, it has handle bars like a bike with brake and throttle hand controls, but it also has a Chevy block 350 V8. So here’s a few pictures of it for you and you can decide.
Send a message to the establishment-Dear Editor
The Republican primary is wide open, and the nomination is there for the taking!
That's why today's grassroots R3VOLUTION v. RomneyCare Money Bomb is so vital.
An establishment candidate like Mitt Romney is raising money hand over fist from Wall Street bankers in an effort to flood early states with cash so he doesn't have to defend his liberal record.
But if grassroots conservatives, Tea Party activists and liberty-minded Americans make this Money Bomb a massive success, we will send a powerful message to the establishment that the nomination will go to the consistent conservative, not the highest bidder.
I am the only candidate in this race who has steadfastly defended the Constitution, fought for limited government, and correctly predicted the economic collapse.
But I need your help to spread the word of our r3volution to voters in early primary and caucus states.
Every dollar of your contribution will go toward putting in place a winning team in early voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire.
So please, click here to contribute $20.12, $35, $50, $100, $250, or maybe even the legal maximum of $2,500 ($5,000 for couples) to the R3VOLUTION v. RomneyCare Money Bomb.
Unlike other candidates in this race, I have never flirted with cap and tax, supported socialized medicine schemes or championed bailouts.
My record and ability to generate real enthusiasm from the grassroots means ours is a top-tier campaign.
But I need your help to prove it to party bigwigs and pundits who view fundraising totals as the measure of how serious my candidacy is.
That's why I hope I can count on you to contribute to the R3VOLUTION v. RomneyCare money bomb today.
I know times are tough.
But with a wide open field filled with flawed establishment candidates, there is a real path to victory.
Maybe you can only chip in $20.12, $35, or $50.
Or maybe you can dig a little deeper and contribute $100, $250 or even the legal maximum of $2,500 ($5,000 per couple).
But whatever you can contribute, I promise every dollar will go toward putting together a first-class operation in the early voting states.
I thank you for all that you have done in the name of liberty.
For Liberty,
Ron Paul
P.S. The Republican primary is wide open, and the nomination is there for the taking.
An establishment candidate like Mitt Romney is hitting up Wall Street bankers for millions of dollars.
Send a message to the establishment by contributing to the grassroots R3VOLUTION v. RomneyCare Money Bomb so I can put a top-flight operation on the ground in early voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire.
Click here to make a generous contribution of $20.12, $35, $50, $100, $250, or maybe even the legal maximum of $2,500 ($5,000 per couple).
Dear Editor-Make single-payer health care a reality in Vermont!
Ask Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to allow Vermont to implement its better health care plan for universal coverage.
Click here to sign our letter.
Single-payer health care is on the move in Vermont. We need your help to make it a reality.
Today Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed into law a plan that could put Vermont on the path to becoming the first state with a truly progressive universal health care system.
If successful, Vermont’s plan would provide health coverage to every resident of the state without forcing people to become customers of the private insurance industry. Yet Vermont won’t be able to fully achieve this goal without multiple waivers from federal health care programs to pursue its better plan.
Kathleen Sebelius is President Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services. She’s a critical decision maker in allowing Vermont to pursue its plan for a more effective unified health system. Can you sign our petition to Secretary Sebelius asking her to grant Vermont favorable terms on every waiver the state requests?
Vermont’s new law will reform health care at the state level and take a massive step towards a fairer, more efficient system. The state’s plan would incorporate some of the proven cost control features of a single payer system, such as simplified administration and negotiation for fair prices for pharmaceuticals.
That’s why the for-profit health insurance industry and groups like PhRMA see real Vermont’s health care reform as a serious threat. They know that if truly progressive reform succeeds and becomes popular in Vermont, it will spread to other states.
No doubt these corporate opponents of universal health care will use their national lobbying power to do what they do best: they will work behind the scenes to quietly impede or cripple Vermont's efforts at every turn on the federal level. If the Obama administration does not grant all the waivers Vermont needs, the system could fall short of its true potential.
We need your help to tell Secretary Sebelius that we plan to fight for Vermont every step of the way.
President Obama actually endorsed the idea of allowing states to pursue better health care plans during a speech earlier this year. Now that Vermont is ready to move forward with a better plan, his Administration can make good on its commitment.
In order for Vermont to achieve the full potential of its plan, the federal government needs to grant the state waivers from federal programs like Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare Part D and the new Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Health care waivers aren’t something rare. The federal government recently granted McDonald’s and 29 other corporations waivers to offer their employees worse health care plans than currently required by federal law. We’re asking for Vermont to get waivers to pursue a far better health care plan.
Vermont is a small state trying to take on both a big problem and well-connected corporate interests. With your help, we can make their ambitious plan a reality on the road to universal health care. I can't promise the fight will be short, but I can promise it will be one of the meaningful fights this century.
Thank you for your support.
Jon Walker
Dear Editor-Help Florida Win This Challenge!
Folks are travelling from across the country to lobby congress for Healthcare Not Warfare on Tues. It's time for us to step up and make sure they have an overwhelming pile of signatures on the letter linked below to wield against the non-believing congress critters. See the message below, sign, and forward!
I've already signed and passed on to every list I know. Let's show them that Florida can make a real difference!
Mike Fox
FL State Coordinator, PDA
Please sign this letter to the Senate Democratic Caucus asking them to support the DNC Afghanistan Withdrawal Resolution and Sanders' American Health Security Act of 2011 (S.915).
This letter will be distributed to the members of the Senate Democratic Caucus on June 7, as part of the June 7 Rally and Lobby Day with the Nurses. (If you can't make it to DC for the rally and lobby day, then please mark you calendars for the June 7 National Call-in Day.)
Many of our allies in the progressive movement have endorsed and signed this letter: we hope you'll join them. Sign here.
Our goal is to gather at least 25,000 signatures between now and midnight, June 5. Click here to sign, and then please post this to your Facebook page and forward this email to your like-minded friends and family members. (Remember to remove the "Unsubscribe" link at the very bottom before you send the forward.)
Bin Laden is dead; the Afghanistan mission is accomplished. It is time to bring our troops and war dollars home and start addressing the very real hardships facing Americans, including providing comprehensive healthcare for all and the spiraling costs of healthcare.
In solidarity,
Tim Carpenter National Director
P.S. If you're coming to DC for the Rally and Lobby Day with the Nurses, join us for a pre-rally benefit for the Healthcare NOT Warfare campaign on June 6 at Busboys and Poets
The worst legislative session in Florida history is over, but the fight for Florida’s future is just beginning.
The Festival for Florida’s Future is not a rally, but a daylong celebration of what it means to be a working Floridian. This day of activism, education, food and music will serve as a kick-off for a larger, sustained campaign to organize Floridians from all backgrounds and walks of life to take action in meaningful, effective ways that will help build a better Florida.
At the Festival, Progress Florida will be working alongside our progressive allies, including hosting a workshop on social media and internet organizing. Will we see you at the Festival on June 4th?
Register for the Festival For Florida’s Future today.
With only 29% of Floridians approving of Gov. Scott’s job performance (57% disapprove), now is the time to continue to build this growing movement of working Floridians fighting to move our state in a progressive direction.1
For progress,
Mark, Ray, and the rest of the Progress Florida team
P.S.: Be sure to visit the Festival’s web site for details on the event including directions, what to bring, activities for children, etc.
1"Rick Scott: The most unpopular politician in Florida?" The Washington Post. 5/25/11.
Whatever the threat, be it real or a false flag operation, these brave men and women, answer the call to protect their homes, their families, their country. We will always be eternally grateful.
It is the
not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion. It is the VETERAN,
not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press. It is the VETERAN,
not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN,
not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN,
not the politician, Who has given us the right to vote.
It is the
VETERAN who salutes the Flag,
It is the VETERAN who serves under the Flag,
Murdering Liberty Killing Hope
from the weak, the wise from the uninformed.
This is a story predicated upon real life. We, the civilian population
of the world are not trained or educated in the finer distinctions
of global finance. Our perception of millions, billions and trillions
of dollars, let alone millions, billions or trillions of ANYTHING is
hopelessly mired in the gunk of enigma. We just don’t get it. In fact
our eyes generally glaze over and we’re ready to move on to the
next subject of study, the next point of distinction whenever anything
larger then a bread-box is mentioned. It’s just human nature.
Add to that vast sums of gold, illegal gold at that, even stolen gold,
national treasury gold, and we seem to want to head for the nearest
Fortunately, or unfortunately, because the choice is really yours, the
events described in the following pages are true. You see, real life is
a complicated and convoluted mess of various seemingly disjointed
and unconnected events somehow strewn together to make up
the many years we call “our life” and rarely do our lives amount to
anything more then having children, working and enjoying a few
pleasurable moments. We are not the elite. Their lives are things we
imagine for brief moments while we’re busy living our own lives.
These people don’t walk in our footsteps but even more importantly,
we don’t walk in theirs.
Take a walk with me, in theirs …the rest is here, CLICK HERE WILL OPEN IN EBOOK PDF FILE!