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Progress Florida

The worst legislative session in Florida history is over, but the fight for Florida’s future is just beginning.

Join us at the Festival For Florida’s Future, June 4th in Orlando, for a day of family fun and activism.

The Festival for Florida’s Future is not a rally, but a daylong celebration of what it means to be a working Floridian.  This day of activism, education, food and music will serve as a kick-off for a larger, sustained campaign to organize Floridians from all backgrounds and walks of life to take action in meaningful, effective ways that will help build a better Florida.

At the Festival, Progress Florida will be working alongside our progressive allies, including hosting a workshop on social media and internet organizing. Will we see you at the Festival on June 4th?

Register for the Festival For Florida’s Future today.

With only 29% of Floridians approving of Gov. Scott’s job performance (57% disapprove), now is the time to continue to build this growing movement of working Floridians fighting to move our state in a progressive direction.1

For progress,

Mark, Ray, and the rest of the Progress Florida team

P.S.: Be sure to visit the Festival’s web site for details on the event including directions, what to bring, activities for children, etc.


1"Rick Scott: The most unpopular politician in Florida?" The Washington Post. 5/25/11.

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