Saving John’s Cats?
Hi hope I've reached sound off at the Chronicle. Here's what I have to say, regarding T N R, trapped, neutered, and release of feral cats in Citrus County, I knew an elderly man in Inverness about 3 years ago, who had much monetarily, yet road his bicycle every day, the baskets stuffed with cat food, to feed the feral colonies.
You could see paper plates set out in particular areas around in Inverness, either the County or was it the City of Inverness arrested him for breaking the law, against feeding feral cats.
He continue anyway, knowing that they would starve unless somebody took action. Old John died about 2 years ago, I thought that I read, Trapped, Neutered, Release, would become the practice?
Does anyone know what’s happened, or not, for saving John’s cats? Thank you.
EyeOnCitrus Call-In Line received this call and publishing it because caller would like information, if anyone out there can respond to her question!
Lies that led to WAR
by Jeff Dolittle
Over a hundred years of falsehoods to take the Nation to war for so many times. Some may say that in certain instances it is necessary but they are not the ones that send and lose their love ones in these bloodbaths of greed. The video below documents all the times that our elected officials have lied to us to bring the Nation into war. In most of the cases, the bottom line was the reason. The corporate greed of the Monolith that now controls the Nation and is striving for the complete one world order that some of you may have heard about is a work in progress. Every time one of the elected stooges for this order professes their reasons for marching our kids off to war is another step taken toward achieving this goal. Watch the video below, it’s documents all those times, going back to the Spanish-American war and Remember the Maine!