Donations needed for Handicapped Van
I have Osteo-Genesis Imperfecta (O.I.), i'm 63 years old and suddenly find myself taking care of my 4 grandchildren. The van I have now requires me to use my crutches and a piece of plywood to load and unload my power chair, which is taxing enough with my disease, but in addition to O.I., I have had my Aortic valve replaced and a by-pass via open-heart surgery. Loading and unloading the van is taking it's toll on me. I need a van with a power lift or ramp. Please consider a donation.
Westboro Baptist Church
Reprinted from Anonymous Facebook page.
Published on 19 Dec 2012
Hello, Westboro Baptist Church
Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Anonymous
As you may not have acknowledged our existence, we, on the otherhand, have recognized yours. We have seen your depraved methods of disseminating your message of hate throughout The United States of America
. We have witnessed you defaming the memories of those who sacrificed themselves for the security of our nation, disrupting the peace of the educational environment within high schools and universities, breeding hatred
within the fragile minds of your own next of kin, desecrating the name of God
by protesting in the proximity of churches and synagogues, and mangling the biblical text to conform in accordance with your malevolent cause.
Your pseudo-faith is abhorrent, and your leaders, repugnant. Your impact and cause is hazardous to the lives of millions and you fail to see the wrong in promoting the deaths of innocent people. You are self-appointed servants ofGod
who rewrite the words of His sacred scripture
to adhere to your prejudice. Your hatred supersedes your faith, and you use faith to promote your hatred.
Since your one-dimensional thought protocol will conform not to any modern logic, we will not debate, argue, or attempt to reason with you. Instead, we have unanimously deemed your organization to be harmful to the population of The United States of America, and have therefore decided to execute an agenda of action which will progressively dismantle your institution of deceitful pretext and extreme bias, and cease when your zealotry runs dry. We recognize you as serious opponents, and do not expect our campaign to terminate in a short period of time. Attrition is our weapon, and we will waste no time, money, effort, and enjoyment, in tearing your resolve into pieces, as with exposing the incongruity of your distorted faith.
Anonymous possesses a plethora of information within our network about the many divisions of Christianity
and numerous other religious doctrines. Many of us are versed in the biblical text, and we can identify each and every of your violations of scripture. You abuse the Holy Bible
which you do not fully comprehend and know not of the thousands of authors to impose upon other people when you can simply coalesce with your loved ones and live in the manner you deem plausible. You engage in reciprocal fornication with another man and preach adultery as a sin. You, Shirley Lynn Phelps-Roper violatedDeuteronomy
. As a result, your son Sam is the living, breathing proof of your act of simple loneliness. Simply put, it takes not a genius to realize an arrogant woman's loose moral string, and its predilection to progressively wither and fray.
From the time you have received this message, our attack protocol has past been executed and your downfall is underway. Do not attempt to delude yourselves into thinking you can escape our reach, for we are everywhere, and all-seeing, in the same sense as God. We are a body of individuals who fight for a purpose higher than self, and seek to bring the malevolent intent of the malefactors to light.
We will not allow you to corrupt the minds of America with your seeds of hatred. We will not allow you to inspire aggression to the social factions which you deem inferior. We will render you obsolete. We will destroy you. We are coming.
Everyone is equal.
Anonymous is for Freedom
MURDER in Bengasi
By Avyd Grid Jorge click on the title MURDER in Bengasi to be taken to complete article!
Several sources have said that U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, the two former Navy SEAL commandos working as diplomatic security officers (mercenaries) and Sean Smith, an information management officer killed in Bengasi, Libya, were betrayed by their Libyans bodyguards and the series of events leading up to this was carried out by a Psy-Ops of the Israel Mossad and CIA operatives in their continued efforts to drag the United States into the coming Iran conflict. It has all the flavor of the Iranian-Hostage episode that was orchestrated back in 1979 to influence the Presidential election of 1980, by removing President Carter and to bring forward the election of Ronald Reagan, who’s Vice President George Bush, (former CIA Operative) was deemed to be more of a military adventurist than Carter. Under Reagan’s Presidency, he (Reagan) would take care of domestic issues, while his Vice President, would handle the foreign affairs. This was orchestrated by rogue CIA operatives who resented President Carter taking heed of President Eisenhower's warning in his farewell address (beware of the Military-Industrial Complex) and fired 4000 CIA spies. The operatives succeeded, Carter lost the election and immediately after Reagan took office, the hostages were released and what followed were the years of the Iran-Contra Affair, where, the Reagan Administration in collusion with the Military-Industrial Complex, began to supply the Iranian terrorists (those who had held the American hostages) arms in order to get the release of another group of Americans who were held hostage in Lebanon. So much for the not dealing with Terrorists mantra!
Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, a chief aide to the National Security Council, was chosen to be in charge of this covert U.S. initiative. From the late summer of 1985 to mid-autumn of 1986 the Reagan administration sold arms to Iran, who was currently in a bloody war with Iraq. The intent of this was to persuade Iran to use its influence to arrange the release of the hostages in Lebanon. This tactic worked, facilitating the release of three American hostages. This was fruitless however, as those three were quickly replaced by the kidnapping of three other Americans and America began to supply Iraq with weapons also, thus obtaining the ultimately Military-Industrial complex dream, supplying both sides of a conflict with arms!
And the reason it’s called Iran-Contra Affair, Reagan’s administration wanted to continue to aid the Contras guerrillas who were fighting the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, Congress passed the Boland Act, which forbid this type of involvement. President Reagan, through the NSA keep it going which resulted in the formation of the Tower Commission to investigate what was going on. They spoke with Reagan, Bush and the rest of the Administration staff and then to the NSA. This episode in covert operations was whitewashed off by blaming a “rogue” group within the NSA! Although two select committees in Congress later did find culpability by individuals involved, yet, Reagan and others at the top were not indicted, even though there was a strong belief of their guilt.
The uproar about the YouTube video referring to Mohammed in Sept 2012, was what supposedly stirred this all up, but that was not it, it was the cover, to setup, Ambassador Stevens and his people, to be the lynch pin in the next grand scheme of control by the Mossad and the CIA. The video was produced by the financial backing of one of the Mossad operatives. This video is suppose to be a soft porn production of all types of sexual behavior, involving Muhammad , it is no wonder that it stirred up so much unrest in the Middle East. It still is no excuse to kill an innocent, which is in of itself, a reprehensible act and should be condemned by all parties. Years ago (1988) a movie came out about Christ, that Citrus County would not allow to be shown, in fact, when it came out on video, you could not rent the video in the county! The outcry against this movie by Citrus County residents shows how deeply a community can be threatened when something may impinge their religious beliefs, that movie was, "The Last Temptation of Christ".
Some of the victims of this second 911 may have been sodomized and their bodies drag through the streets, according to Sue Lindauer, former CIA operative and author of "Extreme Prejudice" , who has seen photos of the aftermath.
In order to delve into the realm of the Israel Mossad we must take a step back into history. Israel has been spying on it’s closest alley, the United States, for decades and they have gain such a foothold within the government that the American people are the least of concern for most of the members of Congress. That is why (Republican) Senator Lindsey Graham wants Congress to pass a resolution supporting Israel saying the time for talks with Iran is over! with The videos below from FOX news show some of what they have been up too. These videos concern 911 ONE. For an accompanying document download, click the link below.
The video below contains the Mossad operatives, continuing from Part 1, outlining some, only some of their involvement with the original 911 “terrorists” attack!
Part 3 is about one of Israel’s front company, AmDocs, a company that records all the phone calls made in the United States!
Security video from 911 ONE, shows that from the last two weeks in August 2001 through Sept 3, 2001 after the regular maintenance people left every night, another group of trucks show up and stayed there to about 2:30 A.M. to 3:30 A.M.
The video below shows the Israel Mossad operatives on an Israel talk show two months after 911 ONE, and it also gives a good accounting of the faith of Judaism and how it relates to the Nations of the world!
Dual Citizenship List 2008 Under the Bush Administration
American / Israeli Dual Citizens Running the American Government
Attorney General – Michael Mukasey
Head of Homeland Security – Michael Chertoff
Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Richard Perle
Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) – Paul Wolfowitz
Under Secretary of Defense – Douglas Feith
National Security Council Advisor – Elliott Abrams
Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) – “Scooter” Libby
White House Deputy Chief of Staff – Joshua Bolten
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – Marc Grossman
Director of Policy Planning at the State Department – Richard Haass
U.S. Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) – Robert Zoellick
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – James Schlesinger
UN Representative (Former) – John Bolton
Under Secretary for Arms Control – David Wurmser
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Eliot Cohen
Senior Advisor to the President – Steve Goldsmith
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of State – Lincoln Bloomfield
Deputy Assistant to the President – Jay Lefkowitz
White House Political Director – Ken Melman
National Security Study Group – Edward Luttwak
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Kenneth Adelman
Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) – Lawrence (Larry) Franklin
National Security Council Advisor – Robert Satloff
President Export-Import Bank U.S. – Mel Sembler
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families – Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs – Mark Weinberger
White House Speechwriter – David Frum
White House Spokesman (Former) – Ari Fleischer
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Henry Kissinger
Deputy Secretary of Commerce – Samuel Bodman
Under Secretary of State for Management – Bonnie Cohen
Director of Foreign Service Institute – Ruth Davis
The video below audio, is some of the emergency personnel radio broadcasts the day of Sept 11, 2001, 3 minutes, 17 seconds is the point (if you care to jump ahead) where you can hear the NYPD (over their radios) say to watch for those remote controlled planes filled with explosives!
To explore the pattern of terrorism that is Israel and the Mossad, take another step back in time to the fourth day of the Arab Israel 1967 War. A War that saw the Israelis attack the USS Liberty Intelligence ship, which was clearly marked with a huge U.S. flag, in International waters, killing 34 U.S. Seaman and wounding 171 crewmen out of 297!
It cannot be unexpected that a Nation that was born from terrorism would utilize terrorism in the manipulation of events around the Middle East in order to get it’s desired results. The book, A Calculated Risk: The U.S. Decision to Recognize Israel
Jan 19, 2010 an Israel Mossad gang of 80 entered the sovereign country of Dubai, to kill a top Hamas official, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. The Hotel where they carried out this activity caught everything on Closed Circuit T.V.
Now Israel wants the U.S. to invade Iran!
WARNING: There are extreme photos of the aftermath of this attack and they will not be published here, although the one carried by the New York Daily News can be accessed here and it is extreme and disturbing enough.
The Joint Chief of Staff, U.S. Army General Martin E. Dempsey, spoke recently to Dr. Steve Pieczenik, (at the Council of Foreign Relations) who was given the military concern about getting involved in a conflict in Iran, and it was not good. Not that the military could not handle Iran, but another conflict in the Middle East, with a military that has seen service men and women serving, two, three, four and more tours of duty, was something that was not desirable, nor considered prudent. Along with other high ranking Generals, the military believes it is time to get out of the “sandbox”.
This is what President Obama is trying to do, keep us from getting more involved in the Middle East, although the Israelis and Netanyahu are trying to paint him into a corner.
The important detail that the Media Machine fails to give you is that the people killed, the Ambassador and the others were not at the Embassy. They had been moved to a CIA “safe house”! This is important because their presence had to have been revealed to the team that killed them.
Romney is being back by the same Neo-Cons that represented George Bush’s Administration, they would like another war, this time, in Iran in order to take the sting out of the memories of the Bush Administration, 2000 to 2008. With a Romney Presidency the plan is to be in Iran by early spring 2013.
The privatization of former government offices and duties have given an open door to the Israel spies, their front companies for the Mossad step in and the next thing they do is to take over the entire operation of whatever it was they were hired for, in other words, it expands the realm to many other areas of government that are not or haven’t been considered for privatization! Even the NSA (National Security Agency) now uses these front companies to spy on Americans through many varying formats, including wiretaps and hidden cameras.
Exploring the Shadow Government and the NWO
Get an insight on what the NWO and the Illuminati have in store for us, if you think things are bad now, you haven’t seen anything yet!
Hope you awaken soon, as the clock ticks, making the right choices are essential to your survival and your family!
Niagara Falls High-Wire Walk
Others have tried but Nik Wallenda has become the first person ever to cross Niagara Falls on a high wire. The daredevil successfully negotiated walking a two-inch-wide wire strung through heavy mist some 200 feet above the roaring waters of Horseshoe Falls. Wallenda said the stunt was a tribute to his hero and great-grandfather, Karl Wallenda, who died during a tightrope walk in Puerto Rico in 1978. Next up for Wallenda is a high-wire walk across the Grand Canyon. ABC News .
The Eye On Citrus Show
Our latest radio show is up, talking about the GOP Forum held in Crystal River this past Saturday, Jan 14, 2010. The two non-fiction books relating the dark and illegal deeds of the Federal Government through the auspices of the C.I.A. Anyone with two good ears needs to listen to this show.
JFK, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate
Product Details
JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy (Second Edition)
By L. Fletcher ProutyList Price:
$11.53 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.DetailsAvailability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Ships from and sold by Amazon.com40 new or used available from $10.70
Average customer review:
(48 customer reviews)Product Description
The true story of the man who inspired Oliver Stone's JFK—now with a new foreword by Jesse Ventura.
Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, the former CIA operative known as “X,” offers a history-shaking perspective on the assassination of president John F. Kennedy. His theories were the basis for Oliver Stone’s controversial movieJFK. Prouty believed that Kennedy’s death was a coup d’état, and he backs this belief up with his knowledge of the security arrangements at Dallas and other tidbits that only a CIA insider would know (for example, that every member of Kennedy’s cabinet was abroad at the time of Kennedy’s assassination). His discussion of the elite power base he believes controlled the U.S. government will scare and enlighten anyone who wants to know who was really behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy. 40 black-and-white illustrations
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #84514 in Books
- Published on: 2011-04-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: .1 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 416 pages
Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
Prouty, who was a Washington insider for nearly 20 years--in the last few of them as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President Kennedy--has a highly unusual perspective to offer on the assassination and the events that led up to it. Familiar to moviegoers as the original of the anonymous Washington figure, played by Donald Sutherland in the Oliver Stone's movie JFK , who asks hero Jim Garrison to ponder why Kennedy was killed, Prouty leaves no doubt where he stands. The president, he claims, had angered the military-industrial establishment with his procurement policies and his determination to withdraw from Vietnam, and had threatened to break the CIA into "a thousand pieces" after the Bay of Pigs fiasco. His death was in effect a coup d'etat that placed in the White House a very different man with a very different approach--one much more acceptable to what Prouty consistently calls "the power elite." Although he declares that such an elite has operated, supranationally, throughout history, and is all-powerful, he never satisfactorily explains who its members are and how it functions--or how it has allowed the current East-West rapprochement to take place. Still, this behind-the-scenes look at how the CIA has shaped postwar U.S. foreign policy is fascinating, as are Prouty's telling questions about the security arrangements in Dallas, his knowledge of the extraordinary government movements at that time (every member of the Cabinet was out of the country when Kennedy was shot) and his perception that most of the press has joined in the cover-up ever since. Photos not seen by PW.
Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.From Library Journal
Prouty, the mysterious "X" in Oliver Stone's JFK , promises to explain why Kennedy was assassinated. Instead, he delivers a muddled collection of undocumented, bizarre theories, most significantly that a super-powerful, avaricious power elite engineered the Cold War and all its pivotal events--Korea, Vietnam, the U-2 incident, the Bay of Pigs, and the Kennedy assassination. Although they are never identified, these shadowy technocrats, working through the CIA, allegedly had Kennedy murdered because he was on the brink of ending America's commitment to Vietnam, along with its billions of dollars of military contracts. Prouty avoids some very important issues. Would Kennedy, a Cold War warrior's warrior, have indeed ended American support for Diem? And why couldn't the omnipotent power elite ensure the election of Richard Nixon, its preferred candidate, in 1960--especially since Kennedy won by only .02 percent? A much better choice is John M. Newman's JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue, and the Struggle for Power ( LJ 3/15/92). See also James DiEugenio's Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Case , reviewed in this issue, p. 123.--Ed.
- Karl Helicher, Upper Merion Twp . Lib., King of Prussia, Pa.
Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.From Kirkus Reviews
Following Oliver Stone's JFK, Prouty (whom Stone depicted as ``X,'' Jim Garrison's secret informant on the military-industrial complex) offers an update on the assassination. Anyone new to assassination studies will find Prouty's many theses (not much different than those he discussed in The Secret Team, 1973) unsettling at the very least, and it seems unlikely that every single column of smoke Prouty points at has no fire at its base aside from a blaze of paranoia, especially when he is not given to paranoid phraseology. Here, he adds nothing new to the theories set forth by the Stone film, only spells them out. Prouty's point of view comes from his nine-year stint as a chief of special operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, carrying out secret operations against Vietnam and Cuba, among other countries. These ``Black Ops,'' which included infiltrating CIA teams into foreign countries and building up insurgencies, in many ways married the CIA to the military-industrial complex. Prouty outlines how the government has carried out policies meant to swell defense contracts while maintaining low-intensity wars since 1945; tells how, in that year, he watched US equipment stockpiled on Okinawa being shipped to Indochina, where we armed all sides for their upcoming conflicts--all support for his contention that there's an elite power-base behind the US government, which knowingly or unknowingly fulfills its needs. On the assassination, Prouty restates many themes whose familiarity and thinness of detail here in no way lessen their force. But one finds spotty scaffolding that brings into question whole sections of the assassination plot. Conspiracy? Perhaps. Carried out for the reasons Prouty suggests? Maybe. But does he present the facts? No, just theories. The big picture, in large strokes, by a man of unusual courage in going out on limbs. -- Copyright ©1992, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
116 of 121 people found the following review helpful.
An Admirble Attempt at Truth-telling by a Good Man
By Gianmarco Manzione
If you have come to this book looking for another lean, persuasive investigation of the various conspiracies that could have led to the killing of JFK, you have come to the wrong place. prouty's book reaches far wider than that narrow scope, exploring every square inch of his vast, first-hand knowledge of the workings and consequences of the so-called Cold War (though I don't see how the bloody loss of millions of lives during that time constitute a war that was anything but blazing hot).
Prouty, a former Air Force colonel and CIA insider, manages to observe his life's work from an objective standpoint that raises countless probing and often hair-raising questions and warnings. Reaching back to the origins of the cold war and its effects on the policy and history that would soon be made, Prouty paints an expansive, thorough and detailed account not only of the JFK assassination, but of the entire political and industrial framework festering in the 20 years leading up to that moment that allowed such a tragedy to take place.
Contrary to most other books that deal --either obliquely or directly -- with JFK's murder, prouty's endures with a relevance that has as much to say about our own time as it does about Kennedy's. He foresees all the problems of a tyrannically powerful CIA that functions as the President's puppet master. "Many of the skilled saboteurs and terrorists of today are CIA students of yesterday," Prouty asserts in what amounts to an astonishing revelation when one considers that, among others, Osama Bin Laden is one of those "CIA students of yesterday." But it isn't only terrorists: it is the people we put in place as American puppets around the world. Take Hamad Karzai, for example, former CIA agent and millionaire now serving as President of Afghanistan.
The intimate and omnipotent mingling of money, military, covert intelligence operations and politics is precisely the network of power Prouty implicates not only in the crime that was the JFK murder, but the crime of so many brutal wars and coups performed by the CIA throughout the world to this very day. We are under the tyranny of an intelligence elite, an elite that happens to have the most powerful military and political machines on the planet at its service.
As prouty shows, Truman regretted his approval of the formation of the CIA toward the end of his presidency. Eisenhower tried to curb its powers but failed miserably, and when Kennedy fired Allen Dulles -- CIA chief at the time -- and not only threatened but actually worked to break the CIA "into a thousand pieces," he was killed. If that strieks you as an irrational logical leap, you need to read Prouty's book.
It is admirable that he undertook the writing of the book himself, rather than resorting to the services of some professional writer as so many politicians and military officials do for their memoirs and other books. Consequently, Prouty's book suffers a bit from a lack of the kind of polish it might have had. He struggles to organize his vast knowledge into the kind of coherant narrative he envisions and promises to no avail throughout. The reader has to work a little harder here to put the many pieces together that prouty lays out.
Nonetheless, Prouty's book reads like a desperate, angry and even frantic attempt at telling the truth by a man whose writing voice belies a remarkable warmth and sincerity. He knows so much and is so appalled at the hypocrisy he witnessed throughout his career -- hypocrisy that turned to horror -- that his book reads like the result of a minor god angrily shaking his fists and roaring in a locked room. His background, littered with merits and accolades, backs up every claim he makes here.
Prouty's book is entirely based on first-hand knowledge and expertise he gleaned over the course of a distinguished career: the precarious security arrangements in Dallas that day, Kennedy's advocacy of a US note that would compete with the federal note, his vow to remove all troops from Vietnam by 1965 and how this threatened the money-making machine that was the Vietnam "conflict," the utter astonishment in Washington at Kennedy's victory over Nixon, a man for whom various war and intelligence initiatives had already been drawn up for him to sign off on at the start of his presidency -- before he was even elected!
From its first hour, Kennedy's thousand-day presidency threatened so many established powers, so many benefactors of the military industrial complex, that there was no way it could have ended up otherwise. Even Robert McNamara, a great admirer of the president and godfather to one of Bobby Kennedy's kids, understood that a helicopter-augmented war like Vietnam would "churn out big dollars," that the war itself was capable of creating the $500 billion in military-industrial profits it eventually raised. Any former Ford executive understands the profits inherent in the collusion between military and industry.
As Prouty reports, quoting the controversial novel "Report From iron Mountain," "The war system is indispensable to the stable political structure . . . war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power." This is precisely the bleak "necessity" that Kennedy eventually grew to rebuke, and it was that rebuke that put the nails in his coffin long before his trip to Dallas.
Visit my blog at [...]61 of 65 people found the following review helpful.
A Sobering Look Into the Past of JFK and the CIA
By Jon W. Davis
Prouty was well postioned to tell his story as seen from inside the intelligence community. Unknown to most people Kennedy challenged the hegemony of the privately owned and controlled Federal Reserve. In the summer of 1963 Kennedy signed an executive order to create 4 billion dollars in United States Notes, in direct competion to Federal Reserve Notes. Why? The United States Notes were based on the government silver stores and their creation did not create interest payements to the world bankers and owners of the Fed. Bills in denominations of $2, $5, $10, and $20's were authorized and the $2's and $5's were printed and in circulation. The $10's and $20 were being printed when Kenndy was killed. In Johnsons first month in office the US Notes were recalled from circulation. Go to any good coin shop and ask to buy a 1963 US Note. See it for yourself! The one gem in Prouty's book that ties Kennedy to this issue is a few sentences where he discusses Kennedy sending Robert McNamara to meet with the Governors of the Federal Reserve to let them know that there are going to be big changes in the nations money system. There is very little information out there about Kennedy and money and Prouty clearly knew there was a connection. Why is the topic of Kennedy and the money he created so obscure and unknown? The only other president in the history of the country to create US Notes directly from the authority of the US Government was Lincoln with his greenbacks during the civil war. The only two presidents to buck the money powers were both assasinated in office. I think Prouty shows a possible origin of one of the smoking guns.49 of 52 people found the following review helpful.
Intelligent reading
By Rollie Anderson
Now that we've made it through the nauseating hoopla of the 40th anniversary where the media bent over backwards to prove that Oswald "could" have done it I can only say that this book may be the only one that skips all the "window dressing" and spells out the real reasons we should continue to suspect people in high places as being the culprits. It's a bit jagged and disjointed at times but remember that these facts come from the most reliable source ever. The guy that was there in the midst of all the treachery. One must answer the question of "who had the power to pull all security out of Dealy Plaza and allow the assassination to happen?" before ever breaching the question of whodunnit. Not one network dared to go near that problem. A must-read for anyone who really wants to know WHY.See all 48 customer reviews...
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